Filled with thoughts of what could have been
Pausing at memories again and againÂ
If only I had had asked, if only I had tried
There’d be no regret living inside
Past mistakes, bad choices made
Should have done better than just a passing grade
So many years have already past
The ones I have left are going so fast
Forgiving others is what it’s about
Forgiving yourself is the only way out
The best decision that changed my life
Was being born again, so adios to strifeÂ
Learn from the past to give NOW your best
Live in the present to let your mind rest
I promise myself to live each day as it comes
Each moment to be treasured and then someÂ
From this day forward, only better days ahead
Sleeping like a baby on our king size bed
So I inhale His Love while working in servitude
Exhaling each breath in humble gratitudeÂ
Accepting change as a pathway to Peace.
Til I get to Heaven - Oh what a relief!