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Writer's pictureRuben Gonzales

The Good Shepherd

That’s What Jesus Said:

This is the 4th Monday morning posting of a short teaching based on His words.

The more we look at what’s in the Bible, the more we can tune in to what Jesus said and increase our Faith. His door is always open when we pray. For example, Jesus said, “I have come that they (us) may have life, and have it to the full.”  John‬ ‭10‬:‭10‬b. Since He said that . . . then why would we look elsewhere?

Voices from modern media and news channels are constantly blasting their opinions on what is happening. We need to tune into the voice of Jesus so we can discern and tune out the voices of the world.

We may think that all the worldly voices and subliminal messages don’t effect us but those pizza commercials somehow stay in my mind until I order the special by phone. Those billboards with juicy hamburgers can influence my next stop on a road trip.

Tune into the only Voice that really matters: the Master’s Voice. Read the promises in the Bible.

Jesus also said, “I am the good shepherd”. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” John‬ ‭10‬:‭11‬ As we listen to the Voice of our Good Shepherd, we will lack nothing. He will make us lie down in green pastures. Jesus will also lead us to quiet waters to refresh our souls. (paraphrased from Psalms‬ ‭23‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NIV‬)

He will guide us all the Way past the the narrow gate as we transition into eternity.

In Psalm 23, King David states: “He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,” Psalms‬ ‭23‬:‭2‬ ‭NIV‬‬ God is leading us to a place of rest; we must  listen to the Master’s voice to avoid falling off the cliff or stepping on the sharp rocks of life.

God has a plan and a part for each one of us as we go through this earthly life. Our part is to trust Him as things continue to unfold as prophecies are fulfilled. Keep looking up for His glorious appearing living as the salt and light of our chaotic world.

Listen to the Shepherds voice and depend on the Master’s Plan - it will refresh your soul. (Psalm 23:3a)

Hope you have a wonderful week, be sure to tell someone about Jesus.

My fourth Christian book is called Salvation Station: Tuning into Wisdom.

Salvation Station is like a flashlight that illuminates on Jesus, Eternity, Faith, Wisdom, Life Experiences, Forgiveness, Personal Testimonies, and Salvation.

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Name: Ruben Gonzales

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