Prayer for TODAY
Father God in Heaven, may Your Name be exalted and honored in the world TODAY. I give You thanks for Your endless mercy and grace.
Let your Kingdom be near and Your Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Please give me the Wisdom to align with Your Will so I can represent You well as Your child.
Feed me TODAY with Your Bread of Life and provide for my needs both seen and not seen. Increase my Faith to rely on You only because without You I can do nothing.
Please forgive me Lord of my sins as I forgive those who have done me wrong. Cleanse my heart of all bitterness and guilt. Show me how to walk in mercy and love in the same manner You have given me.
Help me to stay away from temptation and protect me from the evil one. Shield me with Your Armor to provide protection all day. Guard my thoughts, words, and actions as I seek to please You TODAY.
For Yours is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory . . . TODAY and Forever! Amen!